Today I woke up to the wonderful smell of SNOW! I had an included (because I paid for it) breakfast, and then left my hostel, picked a direction and started walking. I walked quite a ways before I remembered that I'd left my map at the hostel! So I made sure to check out the next tourist map I saw, and took a picture on my phone of the second one I saw - then proceeded to walk off of it (aka - farther than I thought I would). I think I covered ~11 km on foot today; there were a few times I wish I'd had a bus pass. The busses here are bright yellow, and pretty enticing when your feet start to hurt. I wore lots of layers, and I'm glad for it!
The images don't upload in order for some strange reason, so I've annotated them in the order I took them, you should be able to infer what I'm talking about by the caption... (Starting at the bottom...)
The first image is one that I took probably 30 times as I walked along the shore front, trying to get the mountain to 'pop' as much as it did in real life. The image doesn't do the sight justice, but It's close!
The second image showing the anchor was taken looking a little right of the first (though not from the same location).
Third is the Grotta lighthouse.
fourth are fish drying in the sun, I don't know who leave them there, or why there weren't birds everywhere.
Fifth has the shacks which were just past the drying fish, I think they were once part of a fishing enterprise here (I couldn't read the Icelandic-only sign), and it doesn't appear entirely abandoned (there were newer padlocks), but they do look pretty derelict.
I'd like to note that none of these images are photoshoped! they're all fresh off my camera thanks to some tweaked settings and my 20$ filters!
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